This is a common occurrence - not a once off.
There is a shop in south east Queensland that devotes half their floor space to terrazzo pots. Reason being is that most weeks more than half of their sales are terrazzo pots. This shop hasn't allocated equal space for the other 4 or 5 finishes that don't sell as well - they focus mainly on the best sellers.
Last Tuesday it poured rain at this shop all day. No suprise there was only 3 paying customers as the shop is 99% outdoors. Yes 3! Sounds like a bad day huh! Well each customer spent over $500 in terrazzo! All of a sudden not such a bad day!
Reason why this shop makes these kind of sales week in week out? Firstly there is no competition for terrazzo, the big box hardwares don't have it. Second, people who buy these pots normally want a few and normally want big, often times they are commercial jobs. Third, this shop carries quantities so the customer can buy instantly 5, 6 or 10 of one type of pot.
So if you don't want to keep doing battle with the big hardwares hoping one day that they go bust, think seriously about doing serious business with terrazzo.
Just yesterday I had a business ring me from my website asking for a retailer in Sydney that could supply 18 sets of 2 terrazzo pots. I have nobody that serious about terrazzo there.
For any more information on our terrazzo pots or any other garden pots check out our website
We at M.Lennon sell Garden Pots to nurseries and garden centers from Vietnam all around the world. Our customers enjoy competitive prices, allowing them to take on the big chains.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Camilla Tall Terrazzo Garden Pots.
This pot is a beauty!
The problem with most square this shape is that they aren't wide enough. This one is perfect - 46cm wide x 70cm tall.
We make them in our best selling finish - terrazzo black and white.
Unlike most terrazzo garden pots these days it doesn't fade or crack easily and its slightly lighter due to our secret ingredient.
So if you have a garden center or a pot shop be sure not to leave this one out. It's a winner!
For any more info on our garden pots be sure to email us or check our website:
The problem with most square this shape is that they aren't wide enough. This one is perfect - 46cm wide x 70cm tall.
We make them in our best selling finish - terrazzo black and white.
Unlike most terrazzo garden pots these days it doesn't fade or crack easily and its slightly lighter due to our secret ingredient.
So if you have a garden center or a pot shop be sure not to leave this one out. It's a winner!
For any more info on our garden pots be sure to email us or check our website:
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Round garden pots versus Square

Square pots are harder to make, warp easier in the kilns than round, and you are limited to the size of the base moreso than the round.
Suppliers of garden pots slipped by these problems by making the bases of the square pots small and the pots tall to give them some size. This changed the buying habits of pots, everybody wants the straight lines of the square pots to fit in wiht their modern homes.

This square pot trend has been around for years and looked like it was forever going to outsell the Round Garden Pots.
But wait.... The tide seems to be turning back now. Not every plants wants to be in a tall skinny pot, some would rather be in a short wide, the roots are closer to the surrounding soil. Tall skinny pots are top heavy normally - not great for the windy conditions. The big box stores love the square pots as they fit neater on their shelves and often get them at a cheap price, hence square pots are everywhere and even becoming too common.
So if you are in the Garden pot business, keep an eye on round, they are coming back.
So for any more info on our Round garden pots click here. Or to see all of our products click here.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Put your best foot forward when choosing garden pots!
Looking for something different for your Garden pot range?
How about this beauty?
I know its not everybody's first pick when buying a garden pot but, some people will just love this pot! Also making your garden center the one with the best range of pots. Sure you have all the normal every day pots but you also have that something that's a bit different.
So for any more info on our Jumbo Right Foot or about garden pots click here. Or to see all of our products click here.
I know its not everybody's first pick when buying a garden pot but, some people will just love this pot! Also making your garden center the one with the best range of pots. Sure you have all the normal every day pots but you also have that something that's a bit different.
So for any more info on our Jumbo Right Foot or about garden pots click here. Or to see all of our products click here.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hexagonal Deep Bonsai Garden Pots
Here it is a - perfect bonsai!
Fired in a gas filed kiln the finish is smoother and more appealing for the indoors.
We can do white, green, blue, black in these bonsais.
They are as set of 3 the largest one starting at 33cm x 14cm.
Once again with all our filler items they won't take up any space in your container so we can put in heaps.
Once again there is no minimum, if you want 3 of each color hexagonal bonsai in your next container we can do it.
So for any more info on our Hex Deep Bonsais or about garden pots click here. Or to see all of our products click here.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
A trick little Garden Pot for your Range
A tricky little Garden Pot for your Range
Here it is - something new and different to set your store apart from all the big boxes that seem to be appearing next door to every retailer.
These pots are small about 5 inches tall.
You can fit a 4 inch plastic pot very neatly inside.
It is self watering garden pot.
They are cooked in a gas kiln so the color is great and the finish is superb.
Just perfect for a table top or bench in your kitchen.
We designed this pot so get in now before it's copied and be the first to sell them!
For any more info on our garden pots you know where to find us
Monday, May 2, 2011
Looking for Garden Pots that are Big, Bold, Unique?
Look no further M.Lennon has it!
We call this range Cupola - perfect for out in the garden as either an ornament or a big pot for a fig tree.
The finish is rough and textured, worlds away from the bright shiny glazes you see in all garden centers and nurseries these days.
Once again, you can only by these garden pots from M.Lennon as we are the ones who designed the finish.
So if you are looking for rustic garden pots that are totally different - Give Cupola a go!
To see the full range click Cupola from our products page.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A Garden Pot with a Difference
Looking for something new to set you apart from the opposition?
Have a look at this wine barrel planter. It is clay and painted in our special bon fire finish.
Bonfire is our own creation and we are confident, for the time being, that we are the only ones doing it.
The come in 3 sizes the largest being 85 wide x 57 tall, medium 70 cm x 48, small 51 x 37.
So if you sell garden pots and are looking for something a bit quirky and different, why not some Wine Barrel Planters!
For more information on bonfired garden pots click here.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Special Garden Pot Deals
I hear a great deal these days about special deals in garden pots. We offer them sometimes. Even the major retailers do.
So in short, be wary of Special Garden Pot Deals. Whatever you do don’t fill your shop up with them. Not only do they move very slow, your profit dollars (if not margin as well) will drop.
But we must be careful when buying special pot deals.
When a grocer chain offers 50% off your favourite breakfast cereal you pounce right? Weather you need it or not you know you are going to eat it sometime, probably right after you finish the current box.
This same principle doesn’t work for pots. If a customer doesn’t like a pot and they wouldn’t pay the full price, in many cases the 50% off won’t be enough. They have to look at them every time they walk on the patio, or into the garden, or their friends see them every time they come to the house. Pots are forever, if they are good quality.
We all seem to be looking for the next biggest finish in pots. Something that will be the next craze or fad that will bring the customers to the tills. So at all times the manufacturers are trying new things. Many don’t work ie. Don’t sell. This is often when the special deals surface.
If a Garden Pot Wholesaler, me included, offers you a deal “Half Price” on some pots consider this? If you are buying the pots at half price it is probably because they don’t sell at full price so you need to cut your price in half, or you’ll have them forever. So you haven’t increased your margin.
This is the average scenario. A customer wants to buy 2 pots. They come to your shop looking for just that – 2 pots. The customer buys 2 of the “Special Deals” when they otherwise may have bought 2 of your normal pots quite happily - you have just taken less profit dollars for the sale.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Taking on the Big Boxes.
Anyone who goes into retail these days not informed of what the competition is doing, in particular the big boxes, does so at their own risk.
These big boxes have a system that is proven. Hence they will start new shops anywhere on the globe including across the road from you.
Garden Centres and Nurseries are not immune to this, even if you can't get the service, even if you may be 10 cents cheaper than them. The facts are they are in business, they are making money and they compete with you.
A smart operator will attempt to find niches where the big boxes would not or cannot compete. Nowadays a lot of garden centres go into big massive pots that look stunning. They are too heavy for the big boxes to bother with. They do provide a good boost for the tills when they sell, but that is the catch - when they do sell. The facts are you can't stick a plant in them, often they are vase shaped. If your customer doesn't have an easy $1,000 in their account they can't afford it and the finish doesn't suit everyone. They just don't fit the average customers needs, really he just wants a pot to put a plant in.
There is a saying going around. "You can live with the masses and sell to the rich or live with the rich and sell to the masses". I'm not saying I'd want to live with the rich, or that you'd want to - but look at the billionaires these days they sell the stuff everyone can afford, news papers, groceries, fuel, software for your computer.
Enter Terrazzo pots - You can order them in all sizes, of course you can plant it them. The shapes are in vogue right now. You can buy a trough 1.1m long, you cannot buy one in clay or glazed pots. You can have a tall straight square 1m tall, you can't buy one of these in clay or glazed. Terrazzo has the straight lines decorators and commercial offices love, they often sell in bulk as they are used for big jobs. Terrazzo has been done for a long time but not properly, we have set up our own place in Vietnam and we now have no more problems. This means for you, little competition as good terrazzo is hard to find. The big boxes don't want to touch it, it is slightly fragile and on the heavy side.
All this considered, do you sell plants? Why make your customers go to the Big Boxes for a pot because they are cheaper or because your focus is on big pots.
Carry Terrazzo pots and heaps, you'll be surprised at the sales you'll bring in.
For any more info about our terrazzo pots or any others click right here.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Banners for your Shop
Got some fence that no passers by can see through?
These banners look fantastic!
We can print whatever you like.
They are 5 x 1m.
They cost roughly $45 US!
If you'd like some of these great looking banners in your next clay garden pots order just let us know.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Pot feet for Garden Pots
Pot feet for Garden Pots
"Would you like Fries with that?"
Have you ever answered yes to this question? I have, and we aren't the only ones apparently this is the most successful sales question ever.
Simple question, great result.
Why can't this work for you?
Would you like Pot Feet with your Garden pots?
Most customers will say, "What are they?". Here is your chance to shine and educate them at the same time. It's what separates you from the big boxes or hardware stores.
"Well Sir/Madam, these pot feet will keep your saucer/pot off the ground allowing you to blower Vac or hose underneath so you don't have a dirty ring on your veranda or patio. You can get rid of ants bugs that may try to make their homes underneath. Let air to circulate and keep the pot cooler, and hey - Don't they look great? Let me show you."
It's a little bit of trouble but you will be paid when they buy and the next time they want pots, or refer someone you'll be at the top of the list.
To check out more tips have a look at our video section right here.
Or for more info on clay pots click the Products tab.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Beehive Water Feature
Beehive Water Feature
Water Features look great, sound great and SELL great!
Gone are the days of putting a worker on to make these things full time. Gone are the days of needing to purchase expensive drill bits that can drill through Glazed pots. No more heartache and endless trips to the hardware to determine what sort of pipe is needed, what diameter and how long.
You can put this water feature together in 10 minutes or less. No drilling, no previous experience required. You can put this in the car and the customer will have no problems when they get home.
The pebbles are included, the bowl is included.
As with all our products - no minimum order. Just add a few to your next garden pot order!
For any more info on water features or other good ways to boost your profit this year be sure keep checking our website!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Antique Glazed Pots
Antique Glazed Pots
This color is now one of our best sellers.
For many years glazed pots sales has been predominately blue and black but this little beauty has been giving them quite a run.
The color is a blend of dark red and black.
We make these glazed pots in our best selling styles, with saucers and pot feet to match.
If you are looking for a glaze that looks different from the "same ole stuff" give Antique a go!
If you'd like to see more of our glazed items click here.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Bonfired Buddha. It's a beauty!
These days Buddhas are a real trend in a Balinese garden or even just to spruce up a corner in a house or garden.
We have been doing these Buddhas for a while and at the risk of them becoming tired we have added our new Bonfire paint to them.
They look fantastic and they another small advantage - THEY SELL!
So if you'd like something different to add to your Garden Pots Range, here's your chance.
As with all these different bits and pieces you don't need to take a big quantity just add them to your garden pots containers and you have something new and exciting!
For more info about this and anything in the garden pots world visit us
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Selling Heaps of Garden Pots.
Want to sell heaps of Garden Pots
If you are in the business of selling garden pots and you want to sell heaps, you have got to have heaps and they have to be the right pots!
If a customer comes into your store and wants to buy 10 of your best selling pot can you do it (These customers do exist!)?
Or is half of your store devoted to pots that don't really sell, maybe they are coming up for their first Birthday (I hope not their second). Are these garden pots taking up all the room, leaving no space for the best sellers?
If you are selling garden pots the right way you will make good profit from it and look for ways to give more space and time to them. If not, you'll end up with some dusty display of garden pots in the corner - an eye sore.
For this and more info about selling heaps of garden pots check us out on the web:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Tuscan Garden Pots
Tuscan Terracotta Garden Pots
Have a look at this pot purchased from one of our customers.
These days there seems to be lots of companies offering special prices on tuscan or terracotta pots. The difference is that these pots on offer have a lot more white wash on them and they lose their terracotta pot look. All you really see is a very heavily white washed pot.
The difference may see minor whilst looking at the pot. However the difference is not minor where it matters - in the till.
My tip for someone wanting to sell tuscan pots and heaps - buy tuscan that looks like this.
For this and more info on garden pots visit our website:
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Rectangle Huge Terrazzo Troughs
If you sell garden pots please take note.
Your customers want to buy long rectangular garden pots. Do you currently have them?
If you do have them are they in a popular finish?
If you have not answered yes to these questions chances are that you are missing out on sales.
Rectangular troughs are popular as they have many uses. With 3 hedging plants they create a living wall that a coffee shop can used as a divider. They can go on a balcony to shield you from the neighbours. The smaller size can be used as a long trough for a window sill.
For all of these applications a round pot will not suffice.
We now sell more terrazzo black than we do shiny black (shiny black being our most popular glaze).
These pots are essential for a shop that sells garden pots. They will add dollars to your till!
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