Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Too much variety in my garden pot range?

These days there is more variety in garden pots than ever before. Not all of them sell the same. Some hardly sell at all.

It is so easy to fall into the trap of having a pot shop full of bad sellers.

How to avoid this? 

You have to order the pots the Average Joe wants to buy. The Average Joe wants a pot of moderate size to go on his verandah that is either round or square or rectangular, he wants no design - just plain, he wants it in a glazed finish either black, blue, antique, green or he wants terrazzo black or white, or terracotta.

So if you don't have a square plain blue pot, if you only have a square with design blue garden pot - Joe goes.

First cover all the pots Average Joe wants from the above, and cover does not mean one or two of each, have a stack so you can sell to more than one Average Joe.

Then and only then you can experiment with other pots that may suit Different Derek. But don't get too much, it will never be more than 10-20% of your sales. Don't devote 50% of your floor space to it or worse still 50% of your cash flow.

For any more info about our garden pots visit us at www.mlennon.com